Telegram Betting Bot – a Better Way To Bet with

By Max N.
Updated: 5. Aug 2020 telegram betting bot

Coingaming group releases the first telegram betting bot for In the words of Joe MacCallum, sportsbook director at, “it is vital that we reach out to our customers via the easiest and fastest way possible.” It eases all the rigors of placing bitcoin bets, through a text only, user-friendly A.I bot. What is more, it’s adapted to suit several languages, ranging from, English, Portuguese, Mandarin, Russian, and Turkish.

The motivation behind this Bot

Launched right in the midst of the soccer World Cup, with a lot of bets coming in from almost every part of the world, this bot was built to aid the accessibility, of, to users in remote locations, with poor internet access. It brings a fast, comfortable, and user-friendly gaming experience through a text-only interface, cutting out the need to visit the Sportsbet’s website. What is more, this bot was built for telegram users, a social media app that commands over 200 million users. betting bot preview

The functionalities of the Bot

With an easy to use onscreen text command, players will be able to place bets, check their balances and monitor already placed bets, as they would chat with an acquaintance.

Designed in Elixir, a programming language, which is known to be design-friendly, and also improve the scalability, and maintainability of software.

The question is, how easier can gambling get in this world of decentralized-everything? That would be something for you to think about and share your thoughts in the comment section.

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